Lower Back Pain Self-Care You Can Try At Home

Are you experiencing an agonizing lower back pain that's stopping you from doing the things you love?

I know how important it is for you to be able to stay active, play with your children or grandchildren, or even go for a relaxing walk in the park.

When lower back pain strikes, you can't do anything  and it can impact not only your physical but also mental health.

That's why lower back pain self-care is very important as it can prevent you from getting the pain in the future.

If you want to know how you can relieve lower back pain at home and what to do to prevent it from happening again, you should read this blog.

Lower Back Pain Self-Care At Home 

There are things you can do at home to relieve your lower back pain or strengthen your muscles, so you avoid the pain from happening in the future.

You've probably heard from your doctors to just take painkillers and rest but this rarely helps.

Our leading back pain expert prefers natural remedies to treat lower back pain, and here are just a few examples of things that you can do to help relieve your lower back pain.

Stretches For Lower Back Pain 

If you're looking for not only lower back pain relief but also injury prevention methods, then stretches are your best option.

Your body needs movement and if you have a static job or you don't spend much time outdoors doing different activities, then your joints and muscles might get stiff which then leads to lower back pain.

One of the main lower back pain self-care activities is doing stretches.

There are different stretches for lower back pain like pelvic tilt, cat-cow stretch, child's pose, hamstring stretch, and plenty of other exercises that you can easily do at home without having to go to the gym.

I understand you are busy and you don't always have time for resting let alone exercising, but even 15 minutes of low back self care in the evening could improve your lower back pain and reduce the risk of future injuries.

3 Lower Back Pain Self-care Tips

Ice Or Heat For Lower Back Pain 

Another great lower back pain self-care is applying ice or heat to your lower back pain.

Depending on what sort of lower back pain you're suffering from, ice or heat can relieve your pain.

Ice works great for acute injuries as it reduces swelling and redness and increases your blood circulation which helps relieve lower back pain.

Heat self care for lower back pain is better for long-term injuries and chronic pain. Applying heat to your lower back pain relaxes your stiff joints and muscles, so it's also a great injury prevention tactic.

When applying either heat or ice for lower back pain, make sure to wrap an ice pack or a warm bottle in the towel first before you apply it to your skin.

Get A Good Mattress

You'd be surprised how many people suffer from lower back pain just because their mattress is very uncomfortable to sleep on.

If you care about lower back pain self-care and want to stay healthy and pain-free then you should consider buying a good quality mattress that helps your back stay in a natural position during the night.

Even if you start low back pain self care at home and do proper stretches for lower back pain, your hard work will be for nothing if you're sleeping on the wrong mattress.

Investing in a good mattress is investing in your lower back pain self-care, so don't save money on your well-being and get a good quality mattress now.

The Best Lower Back Pain Treatment 

While lower back pain self-care can bring you some pain relief at home, the chances are you won't fix your problem by doing stretches on your own.

Moreover, if you do stretches incorrectly, you might hurt your joints and muscles even more.

That's why it's important to get help from the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area of San Francisco and see how a personalized treatment plan can really make a difference to your pain and overall health.

That doesn't mean that lower back pain self-care isn't important, we just think it should not be your only resort of help.

If you've been suffering from lower back pain for quite some time and want to get pain relief, or if you want to get help with injury prevention from the leading back pain expert in Bay Area San Francisco, then you can start from our free resources.

To read more about back pain, its causes, symptoms, and different treatment options available, you can download a free advice report where we mention all the important things on lower back pain self-care as well as professional treatments.

Free Back Pain Report

If you are a little hesitant and would like to speak to someone about our treatments first, then you can schedule a free telephone consultation with our leading back pain expert and see how we can help you improve your condition and well-being.

Free Telephone Consultation

The last thing you can do is book a free discovery visit with the leading back pain expert to see our facilities, meet the team, and find out how we can give you a personalized treatment plan to boost your health.

Free Discovery Visit

If you've been in pain for a long time, or you're worried that you will get lower back pain again, don't waste your time stressing about it.

Get in touch with our back pain expert instead and let's start treatment. Your health is our priority.

More Free Advice On Back Pain 

If you want to stay up to date with the latest back pain treatment and advice from the leading back pain expert in Bay Area San Francisco, then you can follow us on social media and read our expert blogs.

Follow the leading back pain expert on Facebook to be the first one to know about back pain treatments and advice.

If you're a woman suffering from back pain, read our expert article to find out What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And How Can You Relieve The Pain.