What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And How Can You Relieve The Pain

Is your lower back pain so agonizing it stops you from daily functioning like going to work or even walking the dog to the park?

I appreciate how this pain can make you feel hopeless and depressed.

When lower back pain strikes, it’s really difficult to do daily tasks and it’s hard to find the right treatment as there are so many causes of lower back pain.

If you are a woman suffering from lower back pain that’s stopping you from playing with your kids, doing shopping, or going to work, I know how disturbing this is.

To find out what causes lower back pain in females and how to treat it, read this blog.

What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females? 

There are many causes of back pain in female, and it’s important to understand what is your specific back problem, so you can treat it accordingly.

Lower back pain in females is a common condition and happens to many women everywhere, active moms, gym goers, and any women no matter what their lifestyle may be.

Some of the causes of back pain in female are more obvious than others, but all of them are very painful and should be treated by our back pain expert who can give you the right treatment for the right type of lower back pain.

Premenstrual Lower Back Pain

If you are a woman suffering from lower back pain and you know that soon you will start your menstruation, your lower back pain may be caused by this.

Lower back pain in females is very common before and during the menstruation period, but  it doesn’t mean you have to accept it as a normal part of your period.

It’s a very natural and common instinct to try and relieve your premenstrual lower back pain with medication, but this rarely helps.

The best option is to get our back pain expert’s help to find out what stretches and exercises can help you go through your period pain-free.

3 Causes Of Lower Back Pain In Females


Naturally, pregnancy is what causes lower back pain in females.

Many pregnant women suffer from lower back pain, especially in an advanced stage of their pregnancy, as the centre of the gravitation in their body changes and gaining weight puts more pressure on their lower back.

Lower back pain in females who are pregnant can be very painful and limit their movements in a significant way.

It’s important to take care of your body during pregnancy and be able to walk and move as much as you can to keep healthy.

Our back pain expert can show you some great exercises for lower back pain in females, especially those who are pregnant, and give you pain relief, so you can fully enjoy your pregnancy period.


If you’re wondering what causes lower back in females as you’ve exhausted the list of possibilities and still don’t know why you’re suffering from lower back pain, you might have what’s called endometriosis.

This condition characterizes with the tissue growing over the uterus and your pelvic area. This can put a lot of pressure on your lower back pain.

While it’s not one of the most common of causes of back pain in female, it does happen and it can be very painful.

It is difficult to spot this condition, so you need our back pain expert’s advice to see whether endometriosis is what causes your lower back pain.

The Fastest Way To Relieve Lower Back Pain In Females

If you’ve suffered for a long time and your lower back pain is disrupting your daily life, you shouldn’t wait any longer hoping it will fix itself. It won’t.

You deserve a chance at a better life without all the limitations that your lower back pain is causing you.

The fastest way to relieve lower back pain in females is to get help from our back pain expert who’s worked with thousands of women before and helped them find what causes lower back pain in females, and gave them the right treatment for their specific pain.

Our back pain expert can help you too, and we offer several free resources to start with.

If you want to read more about lower back pain, various causes, and treatments, we offer a free advice report where you can find all the information that you need to make an informed decision about your treatment.

Free Back Pain Report

Another option is to schedule a free telephone consultation with our back pain expert who can talk you through our treatments and how we can help you regain your strength and relieve your lower back pain.

Free Telephone Consultation

Finally, if you are ready to take an active step and start your recovery, we offer a free discovery visit where you can come and meet us, talk to our expert, and find out how we can help you get rid of your lower back pain  and be active again.

Free Discovery Visit

The most important thing is to choose one option now and take an active step to end your lower back pain before the pain stops you from doing everything you love in life.

More Free Advice On Back Pain 

If you want to know more about back pain and stay up to date with the latest treatments, you can follow us on our social media.

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