“If YES, congratulations, you’ve found Ida Hirst… The leading back pain expert in Bay Area with over 30 years of experience in treating back pain sufferers.”

Discover How To Treat Back Pain Naturally Without The Need For Painkillers, Injections, Or Surgery.

Download a copy of this free report written by Bay Area’s leading back pain expert, Ida Hirst, and learn:


The mistakes you’ve been doing that are stopping you from getting better.


How to treat back pain using natural remedies and proven techniques that helped thousands of patients.


What are the best exercises for sciatica and lower back pain that you can do at home.


How to prevent your back pain from getting worse and coming back after the recovery.


Read Ida’s articles and find out how to heal your sciatica or lower back pain using natural remedies that helped thousands of people recover from back pain and get back to active lifestyle.

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June 20, 2024Every year, millions of people experience mid-back pain, affecting their ability to enjoy daily activities and quality time with loved ones. It’s not just an occasional discomfort; it’s a persistent issue that can disrupt your life’s rhythm, making it difficult to perform even simple tasks like lifting groceries, driving, or playing with your children. Research suggests that up to 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives, with the mid-back region often significantly impacted due to poor posture and modern lifestyle habits. At our clinic, we understand how debilitating this can be, and we’re here to help. This blog aims to empower you with the knowledge to manage and potentially alleviate your mid back pain through mindful practices and expert interventions. What is Mid Back Pain? Mid-back pain occurs between the bottom of your rib cage and the base of your neck. This area, known as the thoracic spine, is critical for overall stability and is involved in almost all movements of the upper body. Unfortunately, it’s also an area prone to tension and strain due to its role in posture and the limited range of motion compared to the neck and lower back. Daily Activities to Avoid If You Struggle with Mid Back Pain Managing mid-back pain effectively involves more than just treatment; it requires lifestyle adjustments. Here are five daily activities to reconsider if you suffer from mid-back pain: Poor Posture While Sitting Long hours at a desk can exacerbate mid back pain. Avoid slouching or leaning forward for prolonged periods. Use ergonomic chairs that support the natural curve of your spine, and ensure your workstation is set up to encourage good posture. Lifting Heavy Objects Improperly Improper lifting techniques can put excessive stress on your mid back. Always bend at the knees and keep the item close to your body, lifting with your legs rather than your back. Extended Periods of Driving Long drives without breaks can stiffen your mid back. Adjust your seat for proper support, and take regular breaks to stretch. Overdoing Exercise While staying active is crucial, overdoing certain exercises like twisting motions or heavy lifting can strain your mid back. Balance your workouts and include strengthening exercises for your core to support your back. Ignoring Stress Management Stress can lead to muscle tension, particularly in the mid back area. Incorporate stress-reducing practices such as yoga, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises into your daily routine. How Hands-On Therapy Can Help Hands-on therapy, or manual therapy, involves techniques like massage, mobilization, and manipulation to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and foster healing. Here’s how hands-on therapy makes a difference in managing chronic mid back pain: Direct Pain Relief: Manual techniques can quickly reduce muscle tension and nerve compression, offering immediate pain relief. Restoration of Mobility: By manually manipulating the spine and muscles, therapists help restore flexibility and range of motion. Personalized Therapeutic Techniques: Each session is customized based on your specific pain points and mobility issues, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment. Preventive Care and Education: Our therapists not only treat but also educate patients on maintaining their health to prevent future pain. Your Next step to Mid back Pain Relief Don’t let mid back pain dictate how you live your life. Our Free Introduction to Hands-On Therapy offers a non-committal way to explore how targeted manual therapy can alleviate your pain and restore your mobility. If you’re ready to reclaim your life from mid back pain, call us at (925) 418-7222 to schedule your free session. We’re committed to helping you understand your pain and provide personalized treatment options to improve your quality of life. Let’s begin your journey to a pain-free existence together! For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find: The Best and Worst Stretches for Lower Back Pain Read our blog:  Discover Stretches to Relieve Back Pain Fast Post-Marathon How Can I Prevent My Lower Back Pain While Gardening? […] Read more…
May 16, 2024As we move through the flow of our daily lives, from playing with our grandchildren in the park to enjoying a family trip, lower back pain can suddenly bring it all to a halt. It’s not just discomfort; it’s a barrier that keeps you from living your life to the fullest.  Lower back pain is a pervasive issue affecting millions globally, influencing every move you make and every moment of stillness. In this blog, we will explore the power of stretching as a vital tool in managing lower back pain—highlighting which stretches can soothe your pain and which ones to avoid to prevent further discomfort.  Let’s empower you with knowledge and solutions that make a difference. Understanding the Impact of Lower Back Pain Lower back pain ranks among the top reasons people visit physical therapy and is a leading contributor to missed work days.  It’s more than just a physical ailment; it’s an emotional and economic burden too.  Whether it’s chronic or sporadic, the impact on your quality of life is profound. But there’s hope—simple, effective strategies can significantly alleviate this pain. The Best Stretches for Lower Back Pain Stretching can be an incredible relief for those suffering from lower back pain, enhancing flexibility and reducing tension in the affected areas. Here are some stretches specifically designed to help: Cat-Cow Stretch: Begin on your hands and knees. Alternate between arching your back towards the ceiling (Cat) and dipping it towards the floor (Cow). This movement promotes flexibility and helps relieve tension in the spine and neck. Pelvic Tilt: Lie on your back with your knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and push your lower back into the floor. Hold for a few seconds, then release. This stretch eases lower back pain by strengthening core muscles. Knee-to-Chest Stretch: Lie on your back and pull one knee toward your chest while keeping the other foot flat on the floor. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch legs. This helps maintain spine flexibility and reduces tension in the lower back. Spinal Stretch: Lie on your back with arms extended perpendicular to your body. Cross one leg over the other and turn your gaze in the opposite direction. Hold this pose to help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and stretch the lower back. Stretches to Avoid with Lower Back Pain While stretching is beneficial, some movements can exacerbate lower back pain. Here are a few to avoid: Toe Touches: Standing and bending over to touch your toes can put undue stress on your spine and back muscles, worsening pain. Full Sit-ups: These can pull on the lower back and use hip muscles more than abdominal muscles, potentially increasing pain. Double Leg Lifts: Lifting both legs together while lying on your back can put too much pressure on your spine, straining the lower back. Your Next Step to Regain Control If you’re struggling with lower back pain and unsure where to start with these stretches, let us help. At Back Pain Expert Bay Area, we provide tailored advice that aligns with your specific needs. Schedule Your Free Discovery Visit, call us at (925) 418-7222 to book a no-obligation consultation. With the right stretches and professional guidance, you can regain control and return to your favorite activities with ease and comfort. Let’s start this journey to recovery together. For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find: Discover Stretches to Relieve Back Pain Fast Post-Marathon How Can I Prevent My Lower Back Pain While Gardening? Discover the Power of Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief […] Read more…
April 18, 2024As blossoms and vibrant greens season approaches, many of us are drawn to our gardens. It’s not just about planting; it’s a season of renewal and energy. However, along with the joy of gardening comes the unwelcome companion of lower back pain. For those who find solace in their garden, lower back pain can be a frustrating barrier. Understanding the Challenge of Lower Back Pain Gardening might seem a gentle, therapeutic activity, yet it’s often a source of lower back pain. This discomfort arises from prolonged bending, lifting, and twisting—movements that are all too common for gardeners. Recognizing the importance of this issue, I’m here to provide valuable insights and practical advice to help you garden without the strain and pain. Five Tips to Prevent Lower Back Pain While Gardening These strategies are designed to keep you doing what you love, pain-free, so you can focus on growing your green oasis with joy and comfort. 1. Proper Stretching Before you even pick up a trowel or pull on your gardening gloves, start with a stretching routine. Focus on your lower back, arms, and legs. Gentle stretches, like neck side stretch, shoulder, and upper back Stretch, can warm up your muscles and prepare them for the activity ahead. 2. Correct Gardening Postures Mind your posture to prevent pain. When you’re digging or planting, keep your back straight and bend your knees instead of your waist. Use a gardening kneeler to help maintain proper posture without straining your lower back. 3. Lifting Techniques Lifting bags of soil or heavy planters can be a quick route to back pain if not done properly. Always lift with your legs, not your back. Keep objects close to your body while gardening, and if something feels too heavy, don’t hesitate to ask for help or use a wheelbarrow. 4. Taking Breaks It’s easy to lose track of time in the garden. Set a timer if you must, but make sure to take frequent breaks. Stand up, walk around, and do a few stretches. This not only helps relieve pressure on your spine but also keeps your muscles loose and warm. 5. After-Gardening Care Post-gardening care is just as important as warming up. After you clean up the surroundings, spend a few minutes stretching again, focusing on the areas you’ve used the most. Consider a warm bath to relax your muscles, which can help prevent stiffness and pain. Your Next Step to Lower Back Pain Relief If you’re already experiencing back pain or want more personalized strategies to prevent it, we’re here to help. At Physical Therapy Specialties, we understand the mechanics of lower back pain and offer tailored, effective treatments. Schedule your Free Discovery Visit today and learn more about how we can help you continue to enjoy gardening and other activities without pain. You can also call us directly at (925) 418-7222 to speak with an expert who treats back pain every day. Get all your questions answered and receive personalized guidance and tips for relief. Let’s work together to ensure you’re as flourishing and vibrant as the garden you tend. For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find: Discover Stretches to Relieve Back Pain Fast Post-Marathon How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain and Reclaim Your Life Discover the Power of Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief […] Read more…
March 26, 2024Congratulations, marathon champion! As you bask in the glow of your latest accomplishment, it’s time to address the inevitable aftermath: back pain. The exhilarating journey along Mines Road and Concannon may have left your back longing for some TLC. But fear not! In this guide, we’ll delve into the importance of post-marathon recovery and unveil five rejuvenating stretches to banish back pain fast. The Importance of Post-Marathon Recovery After conquering the Livermore Valley Marathon’s grueling miles, your body deserves a moment of respite. Post-marathon recovery isn’t just a luxury; it’s a non-negotiable necessity for safeguarding your long-term health and ensuring future athletic success. Without proper recovery, these stressors can accumulate, paving the way for injury, chronic pain, and performance plateaus. By prioritizing post-marathon recovery, you not only accelerate tissue repair and replenish depleted nutrients but also fortify your body’s resilience against future challenges. Discover why prioritizing post-marathon recovery is paramount for long-term health and vitality. 5 Stretches to Relieve Back Pain Fast Post-Marathon Child’s Pose Stretch Purpose: Release tension in the lower back, hips, and thighs, elongating the spine and promoting relaxation post-marathon. Instructions: Begin on hands and knees, wrists under shoulders, and knees under hips. Lower hips toward heels, extending arms in front. Rest forehead on the ground, relaxing neck and shoulders. Hold for 30-60 seconds, focusing on deep breathing. Repeat 2-3 times. Cat-Cow Stretch Purpose: Improve spinal flexibility and mobility, relieving tension in back muscles. Instructions: Start on hands and knees, wrists under shoulders, and knees under hips. Inhale, arching back, and lifting head and tailbone (cow). Exhale, rounding back, and tucking chin to chest (cat). Flow through positions for 5-10 breaths. Repeat the sequence 2-3 times. Standing Hamstring Stretch Purpose: Lengthen hamstrings to alleviate pressure on the lower back and enhance flexibility. Instructions: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hinge at hips, reaching towards toes. Hold for 30-60 seconds, feeling a gentle pull. Repeat on the other side. Visualize straight back and soft knees. Seated Spinal Twist Purpose: Relieve tension in the spine, improve spinal mobility, and target muscles along the torso. Instructions: Sit on the ground with your legs extended. Cross the right knee over the left leg, placing the right foot flat on the ground. Place left hand on the outside of the right knee, gently pressing against it. Twist towards the right, looking over the right shoulder. Hold for 30-60 seconds, repeat on the other side. Supine Figure 4 Stretch Purpose: Target hip and glute muscles to release tension and enhance flexibility. Instructions: Lie on your back with knees bent, and feet flat. Cross right ankle over left knee, creating a figure 4 shape. Clasp hands behind left thigh, gently pulling towards the chest. Hold for 30-60 seconds, repeat on the other side. Keep your head and shoulders relaxed on the floor. Each stretch is accompanied by clear, step-by-step instructions to ensure proper execution, making it easy for you to incorporate them into your post-marathon recovery routine. Visual aids are provided to enhance understanding and maximize effectiveness, ensuring you get the most out of each stretch. Your Next Step Toward a Pain-Free Season Ready to banish post-marathon back pain for good? Schedule a Free Discovery Visit with Bay Area’s leading back pain expert, Ida Hirst, today! During your visit, we will assess your unique needs and provide personalized recommendations to help you achieve lasting relief. Visit our website to request your complimentary consultation or call (925) 418-7222 to speak with a member of our team. Don’t let back pain derail your marathon dreams – take the first step towards natural relief now! For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find: How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain and Reclaim Your Life 5 Amazing Stretches For Lower Back Pain For Immediate Pain Relief. Discover the Power of Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief […] Read more…
February 14, 2024Snow has finally descended, transforming the world into a winter wonderland, but for many, the promise of snowy adventures is overshadowed by the persistent discomfort of back pain. As you gaze upon the pristine slopes of Tahoe and dream of exploring the breath-taking trails of Pleasanton with your loved ones, the fear of back pain holding you back is palpable. The Impact of Back Pain on Winter Adventures Imagine the joy of sledding down the hills, skiing through the fresh powder, or simply enjoying a stroll in the snow without the nagging ache on your back. Unfortunately, for those grappling with back pain, these winter fantasies often remain just that – fantasies. Back pain doesn’t discriminate; it infiltrates every aspect of our lives, casting a shadow over the activities we once cherished. From exploring winter adventures to traveling with family, back pain has a way of putting a damper on our plans and leaving us feeling helpless and frustrated. Can Physical Therapy Be Your Winter Companion? But fear not, for relief may be closer than you think. Could physical therapy be the key to reclaiming your winter adventures and enjoying a pain-free season? Five Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief Hands-On Treatment At Physical Therapy Specialties, we believe in a holistic approach to back pain relief. Our expert therapists provide hands-on treatment to ensure proper function of the entire body, starting from the feet and working their way up. By addressing underlying issues and promoting proper alignment, we aim to alleviate back pain and restore mobility. Personalized Care No two cases of back pain are alike, which is why we offer personalized care tailored to your specific needs. Our skilled therapists will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses your unique symptoms and goals. Whether it’s through targeted exercises, manual therapy, or other techniques, we’re dedicated to helping you find relief. Improved Mobility Back pain can significantly impact your mobility, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks and enjoy your favorite activities. Through targeted exercises and therapeutic interventions, physical therapy can help improve flexibility, strength, and range of motion, allowing you to move with greater ease and confidence. Pain Management Strategies Living with chronic back pain can be challenging, but physical therapy offers effective pain management strategies to help you cope. From heat and cold therapy to manual techniques and relaxation exercises, our therapists will equip you with the tools you need to manage pain and improve your quality of life. Long-Term Relief While quick fixes may provide temporary relief, our goal at Physical Therapy Specialties is to achieve long-term results. By addressing the underlying causes of your back pain and empowering you with the knowledge and skills to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we strive to ensure that your relief is not only immediate but also enduring. Take the First Step Toward a Pain-Free Season Don’t let back pain hold you back from enjoying the magic of winter. Schedule a visit to Physical Therapy Specialties today. Our team of experts is here to provide compassionate care, personalized treatment plans, and the support you need to live your best life. Contact us at (925) 418-7222 or visit our website to request a Free Call-back and take the first step towards a pain-free season of joy and adventure. Don’t let back pain steal another moment of joy from your winter adventures. Reach out to us today and embark on a journey towards natural relief and newfound freedom. Your winter wonder awaits! For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find: How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain and Reclaim Your Life 5 Amazing Stretches For Lower Back Pain For Immediate Pain Relief. How to Heal Lower Back Pain Using Natural Remedies to Get You Back to Working and Socializing with Friends and Family […] Read more…
January 24, 2024Have you ever experienced the frustration of lower back pain? The kind that keeps you from doing the things you love, whether it’s playing with your children or grandchildren, tending to your garden, or simply enjoying a leisurely walk in the park? If you have, you’re not alone. Lower back pain can be a relentless companion, and its impact on our daily lives is undeniable. But fear not, for I am here to help you on your journey towards relief. Understanding: Lower Back Pain Lower back pain, the formidable foe that it is, can be incredibly debilitating. It creeps into your life, affecting your daily activities, disrupting your sleep, and casting a shadow over your overall quality of life. The causes of this relentless discomfort can vary – a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, muscle imbalances, or even an injury can be the culprits. The first step in your quest to conquer lower back pain is to understand its source. Before we delve into the natural remedies that can provide solace, it’s crucial to identify the root cause of your pain. Lower back pain can be like an uninvited guest that refuses to leave, no matter what you do. You might have tried painkillers and some stretches in the past, only to find temporary relief or no relief at all. This is where expert help becomes invaluable. How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain Here’s where we focus on “how to sleep with lower back pain” to ensure you wake up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. These tips will not only improve your sleep quality but also contribute to your overall well-being. Gentle Exercise and Stretching: Key to a Restful Night One of the most effective ways to alleviate lower back pain and improve sleep is through gentle exercise and stretching. Incorporating activities like walking, swimming, or yoga into your daily routine can work wonders. These exercises not only improve blood flow but also strengthen muscles and increase flexibility in your lower back, offering a natural reprieve from pain. Imagine being able to sleep soundly without the constant shadow of lower back pain. Hot and Cold Therapy: Soothing Nights Await The magic of hot and cold therapy should not be underestimated when it comes to “how to sleep with lower back pain.” Applying a heating pad or warm compress to your lower back can work wonders in relaxing tense muscles and reducing pain. Conversely, using an ice pack can help reduce inflammation and numb the affected area. The secret lies in alternating between hot and cold treatments, which can be particularly effective. Imagine enjoying the soothing relief of hot and cold therapy before drifting into a peaceful sleep. Maintaining Proper Posture: Supportive Slumber Good posture is often the key to preventing and relieving lower back pain during sleep. Pay close attention to your sitting and standing posture, and consider investing in ergonomic furniture if you spend extended hours at a desk. Proper posture can significantly reduce the strain on your lower back, offering you comfort and relief. Visualize a night of restful sleep with your posture supporting you all the way. Massage and Physical Therapy: A Path to Night-time Bliss Sometimes, the touch of an expert is what your lower back needs to find relief and sleep peacefully. Professional massage therapy or physical therapy can be highly effective in treating lower back pain. Skilled therapists can target specific muscles and provide relief through manual techniques. Moreover, these therapies can help identify and address underlying issues that contribute to your pain. Imagine the relief and freedom that come with skilled hands guiding you towards a night of uninterrupted sleep. The Best Treatment for Lower Back Pain: Dreaming of Pain-Free Nights Don’t let lower back pain hold you captive during the night. It’s time to take action and embark on a journey to nights free from pain. Physical Therapy Specialties in the Bay Area is here to support you every step of the way. Our team of experts understands the challenges you face and is dedicated to helping you regain your ability to sleep soundly. Your Next Step For Pain-Free Night’s Sleep In conclusion, I want to leave you with the idea that lower back pain doesn’t have to dictate your nights. With the right approach and guidance, you can overcome this night-time challenge and embrace a pain-free night’s sleep once again. Take the first step today by visiting us at Physical Therapy Specialist or calling us at (925) 417-8005. Let us provide you with expert advice, personalized treatment plans, and the peaceful nights you’ve been longing for. For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find 5 Amazing Stretches For Lower Back Pain For Immediate Pain Relief. Sudden Sharp Pain In Middle Of Back – 3 Ways To Stop It How to Heal Lower Back Pain Using Natural Remedies to Get You Back to Working and Socializing with Friends and Family […] Read more…
December 7, 2023Have you been suffering from lower back pain that’s been stopping you from doing things you love? Maybe you want to play with your kids or grandkids, do some gardening and work around the house, or go for a walk in the park, but the back pain stops you from all those activities? I understand how frustrating it is when you can’t do the things you love, and I am here to help you. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been dealing with lower back pain, and you’re eager to find natural remedies to alleviate that discomfort and get back to your active life. Read this blog to find valuable insights on how to heal lower back pain and relieve it fast using natural methods that actually work. Understanding Lower Back Pain Lower back pain can be incredibly debilitating, affecting your daily activities and overall quality of life. Whether it’s due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, muscle imbalances, or an injury, the first step in healing is understanding the root cause. Before we dive into natural remedies, it’s essential to identify the source of your pain. If your pain is chronic or severe, consulting a healthcare professional is crucial to rule out any serious underlying conditions. Natural Remedies to Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast at Home Lower back pain can be a real burden and I know how you feel when you want to get better but it just keeps coming back. You’ve probably tried painkillers and some stretches before without any results. This is why you need expert help in battling this problem. Here are a few things you should consider. Gentle Exercise and Stretching One of the best ways to relieve lower back pain is through gentle exercise and stretching. Incorporate activities like walking, swimming, or yoga into your daily routine. These exercises help improve blood flow, strengthen muscles, and increase flexibility in your lower back, providing natural pain relief. Hot and Cold Therapy Hot and cold therapy can work wonders for back pain. Applying a heating pad or warm compress to your lower back can relax tense muscles and reduce pain. Conversely, using an ice pack can help reduce inflammation and numb the area. Alternating between hot and cold treatments can be particularly effective. Maintain Proper Posture Maintaining good posture is crucial for preventing and relieving lower back pain. Pay attention to your sitting and standing posture, and consider investing in ergonomic furniture if you spend long hours at a desk. Proper posture can alleviate strain on your lower back. Massage and Physical Therapy Professional massage therapy or physical therapy can be highly effective in treating lower back pain. Skilled therapists can target specific muscles and provide relief through manual techniques. These therapies can also help identify and address underlying issues contributing to your pain. The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain  Don’t let lower back pain hold you back any longer. It’s time to take action and start your journey to pain-free living. Physical Therapy Specialties in the Bay Area is here to support you every step of the way. If you want to find out more about working with me, the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area, you can start with a few free options. For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some amazing tips for overcoming back pain and returning to activities. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation with one of our experts to discuss your specific situation and receive personalized advice. If you’re ready to take the next step, then you can join us for a free discovery visit to meet our team, discuss your concerns, and explore how our natural remedies can help you heal faster. We understand the importance of getting back to work, socializing with friends and family, and enjoying life to the fullest. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with the best care and natural remedies to relieve lower back pain fast. Contact us today and let us help you get back to being healthy and active. More Free Advice If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on natural back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our Bay Area physical therapy clinic. Read our expert article to find 5 Amazing Stretches For Lower Back Pain For Immediate Pain Relief. Sudden Sharp Pain In Middle Of Back – 3 Ways To Stop It Lower Back Pain Self-Care You Can Try At Home […] Read more…
November 20, 2023Are you suffering from lower back pain that’s stopping you from doing things you love? I know how debilitating it is when you want to go out for a walk, go hiking, or spend active time with your family, but your back pain stops you from doing all those things. It’s really frustrating and painful, but there are things you can do to get better. There are some great lower back pain stretches that you can try to relieve your back pain. Remember, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional and a physical therapist who can guide you on your journey to recovery. Read this blog to find the best stretches for lower back pain to ease your pain. Lower Back Pain Stretches: Your Natural Path to Relief There are many great stretches for lower back pain that you can try. It’s always a good option to consult a specialist and do those stretches during your physical therapy sessions. Here are a few recommendations. Cat-Cow Stretch This yoga-inspired stretch is perfect for relieving tension in your lower back. Start on your hands and knees, inhale as you arch your back (the “cow” position), and then exhale as you round your spine (the “cat” position). Repeat this movement for 2-3 minutes, focusing on your breath and gentle, controlled motions. Child’s Pose Another fantastic yoga stretch is the Child’s Pose. Begin by sitting on your heels, then slowly reach your arms forward, lowering your chest towards the floor. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, feeling the gentle stretch in your lower back and hips. Knee-to-Chest Stretch Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently bring one knee towards your chest, holding it with both hands for 20-30 seconds. Alternate legs and repeat 2-3 times for each leg. This stretch helps release tension in your lower back muscles. Piriformis Stretch The piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttocks, can contribute to lower back pain when tight. Sit on the floor with one leg extended straight and the other leg bent, placing your foot against the opposite thigh. Gently lean forward, feeling the stretch in your buttocks and lower back. Hold for 30 seconds on each side. Pelvic Tilts Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Slowly tilt your pelvis backward, pressing your lower back into the floor, and then tilt it forward, arching your lower back slightly. Repeat this motion for 1-2 minutes, focusing on engaging your core muscles. The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain If you’ve been suffering from lower back pain that’s been stopping you from doing all the things you enjoy, then you should take action now before you lose all the joy in your life. The above stretches for lower back pain can bring you some relief but don’t guarantee you will fully recover. You need to get specialist help to get to the root cause of your problem and treat it using proper techniques. As the leading back pain specialist in the Bay Area, I’ve helped thousands of people recover from back pain so that they could return to playing with their kids or grandkids, going on family vacations, and enjoying their life to the fullest. If you’re ready to get better, then get in touch with us today through one of the few free options. For more information on natural back pain treatments, you can get a copy of our free advice report where I’ve put together some great information for you to start with. You can also arrange a free telephone consultation with our expert team to find out how we can help you recover fast and naturally without the need for painkillers, injections, or surgery. If you’re ready for the next step, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can discuss in more detail how we can help you recover based on your specific needs and situation. The longer you wait to get in touch, the longer it will take to recover. Don’t let the pain hold you back and contact us today to recover and return to your favorite activities. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free tips and updates from our clinic. Read our expert article to find out more about the Sudden Sharp Pain In Middle Of Back – 3 Ways To Stop It. Read about Lower Back Pain Self-Care You Can Try At Home in our expert blog. Can Constipation Cause Back Pain – Here’s What We Know           […] Read more…
October 4, 2023Are you tired of missing out on precious moments with your loved ones, like playing with your kids or grandkids, going on holidays, or simply enjoying the activities you love due to excruciating sciatica pain? I appreciate how upset, stressed, or even angry you are because this excruciating pain won’t just go away. Sciatica can be very limiting and the journey to recovery takes a long time, but it is possible with the right treatment plan. I understand how debilitating sciatic pain can be. But fear not, because I’m here to help you find immediate relief for sciatica pain. Read this blog to find out what you can do for immediate relief for sciatica pain to get some rest throughout your recovery journey. Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain There are many things you can do to get immediate relief for sciatica pain. Of course, recovery takes time as sciatica is not a simple back pain, but these things can help you get some pain relief during your recovery time. Here are a few of our tips for immediate relief for sciatic pain. Gentle Stretching Exercises One of the quickest ways to find immediate relief for sciatic pain is through targeted stretching exercises. Try this simple stretch: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and gently pull one knee toward your chest while keeping the other leg extended. Hold for 20-30 seconds and switch legs. This can help alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve and reduce pain. Hot or Cold Packs The power of temperature therapy should not be underestimated. Applying a hot pack or an ice pack to the affected area can provide immediate relief for sciatica pain. Heat helps to relax tense muscles, while cold can reduce inflammation. Experiment with both and see which one works better for you. Posture Correction  Poor posture can exacerbate sciatica pain. Maintaining a proper posture while sitting, standing, or walking is crucial. Invest in ergonomic chairs or cushions that support your lower back, and be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Gentle Movement And Walking  As counterintuitive as it may sound, gentle movements and walking can provide immediate relief for sciatic pain. Prolonged sitting or lying down can worsen the pain, so try to incorporate short walks into your daily routine. Start with just a few minutes and gradually increase the duration as your pain permits. The Best Treatment For Sciatica Pain  Remember, while these home remedies can offer immediate relief for sciatic pain, it’s essential to address the root cause of your pain for long-term relief. Physical therapy is a great way to address the underlying issue that’s been causing your sciatica pain. As the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area, I’ve worked with thousands of sciatica sufferers and I was able to get them back to playing with their kids and grandkids, going on family holidays, gardening, and doing everything they wanted to be able to do. Don’t let sciatica pain control your life any longer. Get in touch with us through one of the free options we have and let’s start the treatment, so you can get back to doing all the things you love. For more information on natural treatments for back pain, you can download our free advice report filled with useful tips on managing pain and choosing natural methods for pain relief. Another option is to schedule a free telephone consultation with our expert team to find out more about our treatments and how we can help you recover from your specific back pain. You can also take advantage of our free discovery visit which can help you understand the underlying issues and create a personalized plan for recovery. You deserve to enjoy a pain-free, active lifestyle and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Take the first step towards a pain-free future! More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to get more free advice on back pain relief, you can follow us on Facebook and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more tips and to see what’s happening in our physical therapy clinic in the Bay Area. Read our expert article to find Lower Back Pain Self-Care You Can Try At Home. What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And How Can You Relieve The Pain? Find out from our expert blog. Can Constipation Cause Back Pain – Here’s What We Know   […] Read more…
September 25, 2023Have you been suffering from sudden sharp pain in middle of back? I know how frustrating it is when you feel pain and you’re not sure why it’s happening. Maybe you’re thinking that it’s normal to get some pains and aches as you age, so you can just shrug it off as something not important. First and foremost, it’s crucial to acknowledge the discomfort you’re experiencing. Don’t brush it off as a natural part of aging or simply hope it’ll go away on its own. Your body is sending you a signal, and it’s essential to listen. Read this blog to find out what may be causing the sharp pain in middle of back and what you can do about it. Causes Of Sudden Sharp Pain In Middle Of Back There are many possible causes of your back pain and sometimes you may particularly experience sharp pain in back when breathing which sounds scary, but it doesn’t have to be like this. Sudden sharp pain in middle of back is quite common, so you’re not alone in this. Here are a few reasons you may be experiencing back pain. Poor Posture As we juggle busy lives, it’s easy to adopt poor posture habits. Slouching over your desk, cradling your phone, or even just sitting for long periods can strain your middle back muscles and lead to pain. If you have a sedentary job, then you are likely to get sudden sharp pain in middle of back from time to time if you don’t keep your back in the right position. Muscle Strain Overexertion during activities or lifting heavy objects without proper form can cause muscle strain in the middle back. Sometimes, it’s the little things we do daily that add up. Make sure you take appropriate rest and lift objects correctly to avoid this frustrating sharp pain in middle of back. Stress And Tension Modern life can be stressful, and your body often responds by tensing up. This muscle tension can manifest as sharp pain in middle of back, making it challenging to enjoy activities you once loved. Try to relax sometimes, it’s good for your health. How To Stop Sudden Sharp Pain In Middle Of Back? Now that you know what’s been most likely causing your back pain, you’re probably wondering what is the solution to your problem. There are some things you can do to improve your back pain, so you don’t have to worry that your back pain is just a normal part of your life because it is not. Here are some of the things you can try to ease your sharp pain in middle of back. Strengthen Your Core Muscles Your core muscles provide vital support to your spine. By strengthening them, you can reduce the likelihood of middle back pain and regain your active lifestyle. You can do different stretches and exercises like plank, bridge exercises, Yoga, or Pilates. Improve Your Posture Don’t underestimate the power of proper posture. It can significantly reduce the strain on your middle back. If you have a desk job, invest in an ergonomic chair and set up your workstation to encourage good posture. Include exercises that target your upper back and shoulders to improve your posture over time. Stay aware of your posture throughout the day and think about the way you sit, walk, or just move during the day. Seek Professional Help If your sharp pain in middle of back persists despite your efforts, it’s time to consult a professional like me. A personalized physical therapy program can address your specific middle back pain, incorporating exercises, stretches, and hands-on treatments to provide relief and prevent future issues. You should try it out. The Best Treatment For Back Pain If you’re looking for the best treatment for your back pain, then you must consider starting physical therapy treatment. Other remedies may bring you some pain relief for a short time, but physical therapy can bring you permanent results. As the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area, I’ve worked with thousands of back pain sufferers and helped them recover using natural remedies. You don’t have to live with back pain. If you want to find out more about working with me, the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area, you can start with several free options. For more information on back pain treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together some useful tips. You can also book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to find out more about our treatments and how we can help you recover fast and naturally. If you want to see us in person, we invite you to come for a free discovery visit at our clinic where you can meet the team, see the facilities, and find out more about how we can help you overcome your back pain. The most important thing is to choose one of these options now before your back pain gets worse and you can’t do all the things you love. More Free Advice On Back Pain If you want more free advice on back pain, then you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free advice and to see what’s happening in our clinic. Read our expert article to find out What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And How Can You Relieve The Pain. Find out what’s the Lower Back Pain Self-Care You Can Try At Home.   […] Read more…
August 21, 2023If you’ve been suffering from back pain and you’re not sure where this problem came from as you are in good health, then I know how frustrating it is and you’re asking yourself why this happened to you. Back pain is a common but very unpleasant and painful experience, so I understand how badly you want this to end. When back pain strikes, it can stop you from doing all the things that you love like enjoying your favorite hobbies, spending active time with the family, or even walking a dog to the park. Whatever it is that your back pain has stopped you from doing, the most important thing is to address what’s caused you this suffering to be able to get the right treatment and recover fast. If you’ve been having problems with constipation and you’re wondering whether can constipation cause back pain, you should read this blog. Can Constipation Cause Back Pain?  There are many reasons that can cause back pain and if you’re generally in good health, it may be frustrating as you can’t find the reason for your pain. Sometimes there are other things that can contribute to your pain and it’s important to address those underlying problems to get to the root cause of your problem. If you’ve been having problems with constipation then you might be wondering whether can constipation cause back pain, then in short the answer is yes. Back pain from constipation is very easy to miss as you might not associate these two things and not be able to treat this problem the right way. If you’ve been constipated for a long time and started experiencing back pain, then the chances are it is related to your digestion and stomach problems you’ve been having. That’s because there is more and more pressure on your back with each day you’re constipated. Therefore, it is important to know how to relieve back pain from constipation and avoid this issue in the future. How To Relieve Back Pain From Constipation? If you suspect that your back pain may be caused by your constipation, then the good thing is that there are simple ways how to relieve lower back pain from constipation. Here are just a few things you can try to relieve your back pain and enjoy all the activities again. Drink Plenty Of Water  If you are constipated, then the first thing you should do is try and drink as much water as you can. Staying hydrated can help move your digestion and relieve your lower back pain from constipation. Hydration is the key to staying healthy and reducing the risk of constipation in the future. Go On A High-Fiber Diet  It’s been proven that foods that are high in fiber have a positive impact on your digestion system and can not only stop your constipation but also help you reduce weight in a healthy way. Eating healthy is important for your overall health and a diet high in fiber can prevent you from getting constipated in the future. So, try eating foods made of whole-wheat flour, with seeds, and oats to reduce the risk of constipation and back pain from constipation. Try Exercise And Stretches  You can also try to stretch and exercise at home as physical activity and movements can help increase your digestion process and speed it up to end your constipation which then ends your back pain from constipation. That doesn’t mean you have to spend hours at the gym or run every morning. Even a walk to the park and increasing the level of your activity minimally can make a big change to your constipation. It’s important to do the exercises properly to avoid further injuries, so you should seek expert advice on the right stretches and exercises that can help your condition. The Best Way How To Relieve Back Pain From Constipation  If you’ve been suffering from back pain and constipation and you feel like you’ve tried everything but nothing has helped you, then you should get the expert help that you need. As the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area, I’ve been helping back pain sufferers for over 30 years and have seen their fast and efficient recovery. It’s my personal and professional goal to help you get back to doing all the things you used to enjoy before the pain took control over your life. You deserve to be able to live a life without pain. If you want to find out more about working with me, there are several free options you can start with. For more information on back pain, its symptoms, and treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together all the information and tips I’ve been using for over 30 years that are effective and helped people recover even if they suffered for years. Another thing you can do is schedule a free telephone consultation where you can speak to our expert team and find out more about how we can help you recover from your pain and get back to living your life the way you want. And finally, if you are ready to get the recovery that you desperately need, then you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit and find out how we can help your specific condition. The most important thing is to choose one of these options now and get back in charge of your life before the pain stops you from doing everything you love. More Free Advice On Back Pain  To stay up to date with the latest expert advice on back pain, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook for more free advice and to see what’s been happening lately at our clinic. Read about Lower Back Pain Self-Care You Can Try At Home from our expert article. Find out What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And How Can You Relieve The Pain. […] Read more…
July 21, 2023Are you experiencing an agonizing lower back pain that’s stopping you from doing the things you love? I know how important it is for you to be able to stay active, play with your children or grandchildren, or even go for a relaxing walk in the park. When lower back pain strikes, you can’t do anything  and it can impact not only your physical but also mental health. That’s why lower back pain self-care is very important as it can prevent you from getting the pain in the future. If you want to know how you can relieve lower back pain at home and what to do to prevent it from happening again, you should read this blog. Lower Back Pain Self-Care At Home  There are things you can do at home to relieve your lower back pain or strengthen your muscles, so you avoid the pain from happening in the future. You’ve probably heard from your doctors to just take painkillers and rest but this rarely helps. Our leading back pain expert prefers natural remedies to treat lower back pain, and here are just a few examples of things that you can do to help relieve your lower back pain. Stretches For Lower Back Pain  If you’re looking for not only lower back pain relief but also injury prevention methods, then stretches are your best option. Your body needs movement and if you have a static job or you don’t spend much time outdoors doing different activities, then your joints and muscles might get stiff which then leads to lower back pain. One of the main lower back pain self-care activities is doing stretches. There are different stretches for lower back pain like pelvic tilt, cat-cow stretch, child’s pose, hamstring stretch, and plenty of other exercises that you can easily do at home without having to go to the gym. I understand you are busy and you don’t always have time for resting let alone exercising, but even 15 minutes of low back self care in the evening could improve your lower back pain and reduce the risk of future injuries. Ice Or Heat For Lower Back Pain  Another great lower back pain self-care is applying ice or heat to your lower back pain. Depending on what sort of lower back pain you’re suffering from, ice or heat can relieve your pain. Ice works great for acute injuries as it reduces swelling and redness and increases your blood circulation which helps relieve lower back pain. Heat self care for lower back pain is better for long-term injuries and chronic pain. Applying heat to your lower back pain relaxes your stiff joints and muscles, so it’s also a great injury prevention tactic. When applying either heat or ice for lower back pain, make sure to wrap an ice pack or a warm bottle in the towel first before you apply it to your skin. Get A Good Mattress You’d be surprised how many people suffer from lower back pain just because their mattress is very uncomfortable to sleep on. If you care about lower back pain self-care and want to stay healthy and pain-free then you should consider buying a good quality mattress that helps your back stay in a natural position during the night. Even if you start low back pain self care at home and do proper stretches for lower back pain, your hard work will be for nothing if you’re sleeping on the wrong mattress. Investing in a good mattress is investing in your lower back pain self-care, so don’t save money on your well-being and get a good quality mattress now. The Best Lower Back Pain Treatment  While lower back pain self-care can bring you some pain relief at home, the chances are you won’t fix your problem by doing stretches on your own. Moreover, if you do stretches incorrectly, you might hurt your joints and muscles even more. That’s why it’s important to get help from the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area of San Francisco and see how a personalized treatment plan can really make a difference to your pain and overall health. That doesn’t mean that lower back pain self-care isn’t important, we just think it should not be your only resort of help. If you’ve been suffering from lower back pain for quite some time and want to get pain relief, or if you want to get help with injury prevention from the leading back pain expert in Bay Area San Francisco, then you can start from our free resources. To read more about back pain, its causes, symptoms, and different treatment options available, you can download a free advice report where we mention all the important things on lower back pain self-care as well as professional treatments. If you are a little hesitant and would like to speak to someone about our treatments first, then you can schedule a free telephone consultation with our leading back pain expert and see how we can help you improve your condition and well-being. The last thing you can do is book a free discovery visit with the leading back pain expert to see our facilities, meet the team, and find out how we can give you a personalized treatment plan to boost your health. If you’ve been in pain for a long time, or you’re worried that you will get lower back pain again, don’t waste your time stressing about it. Get in touch with our back pain expert instead and let’s start treatment. Your health is our priority. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to stay up to date with the latest back pain treatment and advice from the leading back pain expert in Bay Area San Francisco, then you can follow us on social media and read our expert blogs. Follow the leading back pain expert on Facebook to be the first one to know about back pain treatments and advice. If you’re a woman suffering from back pain, read our expert article to find out What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females And How Can You Relieve The Pain. […] Read more…
June 21, 2023You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂 […] Read more…


Ida Hirst is the leading back pain expert in the Bay Area and her treatments helped many people recover fast and efficiently. Here are just some of her success stories.

“It was terrible for me, I couldn’t bike, hike, and do other activities I love. After some time, I noticed the progress as I was able to cook for longer, walk for longer, and do more activities gradually.”

Donna, Bay Area

“After trying physical therapists for years, I have been doubtful. I was amazed that aqua therapy helped. I had a lot of limitations, but after starting PT, I made a lot of progress and was able to slowly get back to my activities.”

Jackie, Bay Area

Is This Where You’ve Heard Of Ida Hirst Before?

Ida believes in educating her patients so they have the knowledge to prevent their back pain in the future, which she provides in her free advice reports.

Ida has been working in San Francisco Bay Area for nearly 40 years, so she is well-known not only by her patients but also by other health practitioners.

Ida has partnered with Frito-Lay where she identified some of the repetitive things that workers were doing that could cause their back injuries, and then taught them how to take care of themselves better in their working environment.

Ida hosts regular workshops about back pain at Senior Community Center, large Expo events, and other community gatherings.

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  • Want to visit our clinic and see how you can get fast, natural pain relief.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your back pain can be fixed.
  • Want to speak to a back pain expert so you can understand your options.

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Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is right for you and your back pain.
  • Want personalized advice from the comfort of your own home.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your back pain can be fixed.
  • Want to speak to a back pain expert so you can understand your options.

To speak to Bay Area’s Back Pain Expert,
Ida Hirst, call on (925) 417-8005

Officially Partnered with Frito-Lay and identified, then solved, repetitive issues leading to back pain.

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Physical Therapy Specialties

3908 Valley Ave STE B, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Trusted referral partner of many other health practitioners throughout San Francisco’s Bay Area.