The Most Common Myths About

Back Pain

You've Been Told By Doctors, Friends and Social Media That Keep You In Pain And Taking Pills

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There are many myths about Back Pain that you may have heard before and thought they were true.

Unfortunately, a lot of these outdated myths can lead to even more pain and or cause you harm.

Here are 3 of the most damaging, and widespread myths you should know about.

One of the biggest myths I’ve heard over the years is that rest will fix your back pain. It’s not true. Sometimes people have been resting for years and it hasn’t fixed it. Rest, unfortunately, makes back pain worse. Resting develops a vicious cycle of weakness and stiffness in your muscles, which creates more pain, so resting is absolutely the worst thing to do for back pain.
I’ve heard a lot of time that ageing causes back pain and there’s simply nothing that you can do about it. That’s not the case. Age is not an excuse for living in pain. I’ve never seen anybody too old to not get better. You might not be able to come back to the same shape you were when you were in your 20s, but you can still recover from pain and get back to doing simple things you used to enjoy like walking or playing with your grandkids.
Many people believe that if their family members had back pain for many years then it means they’re bound to get the same problem, and there’s nothing that can help. This is also not true. We do inherit different tendencies, but it doesn’t mean we have to stay in pain forever. There are treatments that can help you. With the help of our back pain experts, you can get back to doing the things that you love. You don’t have to live in pain any longer.
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Are You upset, unsure or Even confused About These Myths That You've Heard From Different Sources - more Which Have Probably led to more back pain?

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