Trusted referral partner of many other health practitioners throughout San Francisco’s Bay Area.
If your sciatica is giving you agonizing pain and you don’t know what else to do, I understand you feel hopeless and desperate for help. After nearly 40 years of working with sciatica patients, I can assure you that there is a solution to your pain. We can help you stop this agony by giving you a natural and personalized treatment that will free you from this painful condition.
Sciatica can be caused by various factors such as lifestyle, work environment, sports, and activities that can impact your sciatic nerve. Heavy lifting at work, smoking, being overweight, pregnancy, or even diabetes are all factors that can lead to sciatica.
Some of the symptoms of sciatica include pain in the buttocks, legs, and lower back. Sciatica is very painful and feels different to the usual back pain as it affects other body parts, and you might experience extreme pain.
You might experience difficulties in maintaining a static posture, for example, you might find it hard to sit for longer periods of time as your pain will be gradually increasing.
Another symptom is a problem with bending, so you might not even be able to put on your shoes without feeling agonizing pain in your lower back, buttock, or leg.
Some people can’t even move as sciatica is causing them too much pain.
There are various ways of treating sciatica and most likely you’ve been told by your doctor that surgery or medication are your only options.
Unfortunately, medication has side effects and surgery can be risky and doesn’t guarantee that your pain will disappear.
The best and most effective way to get rid of your sciatica is to get professional help from our back pain expert who’s worked with sciatica sufferers for nearly four decades.
Don’t give in to invasive methods, there are natural remedies that can ease your pain and we can find the right treatment for your specific sciatic pain.
If you want to know more about how to get the pain relief you’ve been desperately looking for, then you can start from several free options.
You can download a free back pain report where you can find out more about various symptoms of back pain and how to treat it using natural remedies.
Another option is to book a free telephone consultation where you can talk to our expert team about your problems and see how we can help you recover fast and efficiently so you can get back to enjoying life again.
Finally, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where you can meet the team, see the facilities, and talk to us in more detail about your specific condition and we can take it from there.
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If you’re unsure if Physical Therapy is right for you and want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then click the link below to complete the short form below.
If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete the form.
3908 Valley Ave STE B, Pleasanton, CA 94566
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 6:00pm
Saturday / Sunday Closed
Officially Partnered with Frito-Lay and identified, then solved, repetitive issues leading to back pain.
Trusted referral partner of many other health practitioners throughout San Francisco’s Bay Area.
To speak to The Bay Area’s Back Pain Expert,
Ida Hirst , call on (925) 417-8005
Or Request Your FREE Back Pain Guide